Estate Planning

Estate Planning

You didn’t spend your life building what you have, and obtaining the things you own just to let them dissolve into nothing. Which is why you don’t want to risk your Estate by doing your own Estate Plan. You have too much at stake to trust something this important to a kit. Contact us and we’ll take great care in the handling your affairs.

What does estate planning involve?

Estate planning is much more than simply having a Will drafted and filed. A Will simply states to your family and the court what you would like done with your things. Estate Planning encompasses tax planning, creating durable powers of attorney, and having documents in place that help avoid probate.

Many individuals do not realize the importance of having an Estate Plan or the benefits associated with hiring an Estate Planning attorney. Estate planning is an extremely serious matter and trying to set up these plans alone can be overwhelming, confusing and simply put, can result in significant errors which affect the future of your family. One wrong word or missing signature can change the entire intent of a will or trust.